There are lots of volunteering opportunities across the Vale of Pewsey and this leaflet provides information on just some of the places where you can volunteer your time and expertise.

Many of the organisations and groups form an important part of the local economy. Places such as Crofton Beam Engines and Wilton Windmill attract people to visit the area, which in turn means they may eat at one of our pubs, do some shopping or stay for a weekend or longer at one of our accommodation providers.

Why volunteering is a good thing to do

Apart from the obvious benefits to the organisation for which you are volunteering, there are many studies that demonstrate how beneficial volunteering is for the individual.

Benefits can include:

  • Improved mental health - through feeling appreciated, having a purpose and social interaction
  • Improved physical health
  • Opportunities to meet new people and expand your social network, building meaningful and lasting relationships
  • Acquiring new skills

And, most importantly, having fun!

What's stopping you?

The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) has produced a study on volunteering - Time Well Spent - which makes interesting reading. Things that would encourage people to volunteer include flexibility on time, flexibility on location and being asked directly.

You will find that the organisations listed in this leaflet are very flexible on how you can get involved. Whether it is being on site for an hour a week or half a day a month, or helping with online activity from home, or assisting with an event - every little helps.

This leaflet is us asking you directly to consider volunteering for one or more of these wonderful organisations. And there are lots more opportunities too - helping at your local Church, becoming a Parish Councillor, assisting at a local primary school - for any of these, just contact the relevant organisation or your Parish Council who may be able to put you in contact. 

Wilton Windmill

Wilton Windmill

David Jackson
07712 010501

Wilton Windmill was built in 1821 in a glorious hilltop position overlooking the eastern Pewsey Vale.

The windmill still produces flour on windy days. It's open to visitors for guided tours and refreshments between Easter and the end of September on Sunday afternoons between 2pm and 5pm.

The site also has a shepherd's hut shop, a picnic area and a museum in The Granary.
Voluntary opportunities include milling, flour bagging, helping in the shepherd's hut shop, doing guided tours of the windmill, maintenance and cleaning and helping on event days.

Home Start North Wiltshire

Home Start North Wiltshire

Dawn Wilson
01672 569457

Home-Start volunteers are parents or grandparents with an interest in and experience of young children and family life and who become mentors to other parents. In addition, event support and fundraisers are also needed.

Home-Start's aim is to provide early support to families who are facing the challenges and stresses of family life, including a wide range of difficulties such as isolation, low self-esteem, physical and mental health issues.

This charity works alongside parents in their homes to help raise their self-confidence and their ability to cope in an increasingly pressured society. Their emphasis is on parents helping parents.

Pewsey Carnival

Pewsey Carnival

Julia Marshall
07979 015501

Pewsey Carnival, Cossor's Shop and Furniture Store offer many and varied volunteering opportunities, including but not limited to:

All year: Shop Assistant at Cossors’s Shop,
All year: Assistant at Cossor’s Furniture Store
All year: Driver and assistant for Cossor’s Collection Van

Event Organisers
Administration at Carnival Wine and Beer Events
Event Marshals for Carnival Wine Event, Beer Event and Carnival Procession
Float Stewards for Carnival Procession
Barrier Erection and Removal for Carnival Wine Event, Beer Event and Carnival Procession
Drivers for Change Wagons at Carnival Procession
Design, creation and build of Riverside Carnival Display
Marketing Assistance

Pewsey Heritage Centre

Pewsey Heritage Centre

Just pop in or email
Pewsey Heritage Centre has opportunities for people with a diverse range of skills. We need individuals for maintenance tasks, volunteers to act as stewards, and people with marketing and design skills. You don’t have to commit to many hours to volunteer; just one 3-hour session a month doing stewarding would be very helpful and much appreciated. For more information, please email .
Pewsey Vale Community Crafts & Tea Rooms

Pewsey Vale Community Crafts & Tea Rooms

Kerry Pycroft
07903 406658

Volunteering hours are usually half a day a month, although additional cover is sometimes needed.

You would either be working front of house - taking customers' orders, making drinks and handling payments.

Or, if you prefer, you can work in our small kitchen making light lunches.

Open all year round
Opening hours:
Wednesday 10.30am to 1.30pm
Thursday 10am to 4pm
Friday 10am to 4pm
Saturday 10am to 4pm

The Merchant's House Marlborough

The Merchant’s House Marlborough

Kim Wakeham, Trust Manager
01672 511491

Alongside a small team of paid staff, there are more than 40 volunteers at The Merchant’s House, who donate a varying amount of time towards the running and upkeep of the House, Shop, Archives, Museum and Garden.

We welcome enquiries from anyone who would like to become involved as a volunteer for areas such as being a tour guide, helping in the shop, looking after the building, maintenance work and working with our vast collection of archives.

Please contact us to arrange a visit and to find out more about volunteering opportunities at The Merchant’s House.

Crop Circle Visitor Centre & Exhibition

Crop Circle Visitor Centre & Exhibition

Monique Klinkenbergh

The Crop Circle Visitor Centre & Exhibition is the only crop circle exhibition in the world and is the place to go for all the latest information on crop circles.

During the crop circle season - June to September - the Centre provides information on current crop circles and those that you can visit (with the landowner's permission).

The multi-media exhibition, originally created for Wiltshire Museum, includes high quality images, text and video on the crop circle phenomenon.

The Centre also serves as a Visitor Information Centre for the Vale of Pewsey, providing information and leaflets.

Pewsey Community Area Partnership

Pewsey Community Area Partnership

Susie Brew
07802 444022

The Pewsey Community Area Partnership (PCAP) runs community projects and identifies issues and needs across the Pewsey Community Area.

Working with Wiltshire Council and the Parish Councils across the Community Area, you can be as involved as you would like to be.

The Partnership has a number of subject areas, such as Heritage and Economy, which the team reviews and identifies any projects that may be required.

PCAP may run the project or find a local group to deliver it.

The activities are varied and interesting. The group meets once a quarter at village halls around the Pewsey Community Area.

Pewsey Vale Tourism Partnership

Pewsey Vale Tourism Partnership

Susie Brew
07802 444022

The Pewsey Vale Tourism Partnership promotes the Vale of Pewsey as a visitor destination. The website is

In addition to running the website and social media, the Partnership also runs projects to improve the visitor experience, such as producing walking and cycling leaflets, visitor itineraries and maintaining Tourist Information kiosks.

The Partnership welcomes any assistance and the work will vary depending on what you would like to do, such as checking walking routes, looking after our finances, or helping with a project.

Work would be from home or occasionally at our partner locations, project locations or on our walking routes. We also get together occasionally to catch up!

Footpath Groups

Footpath Groups

Susie Brew
07802 444022

There are a number of Footpath Groups across the Pewsey Community Area - for example in Pewsey and Great Bedwyn.

Each group determines what they do, but the main thing is that the group checks the rights of way network local to them and works with landowners and Wiltshire Council to do any remedial work.

These groups support the area's Walkers are Welcome accreditation which is a national scheme to promote areas where the walking is varied and well-maintained.

Their important work means that the rights of way network is in good order for local people and for visitors.

Equipment and training will be provided.

Crofton Beam Engines

Crofton Beam Engines

Whitney Cawley
01672 870300

Crofton is powered by volunteers!

You can choose the number of hours you would like to help.

There is a wide range of volunteer roles, so there is a task waiting for you whatever your background.

Roles include front of house, visitor services and helping with Crofton's learning and community activities in the Open Season.

Roles for all year round include engineering, grounds work and building maintenance.