Saturday 8th February at Caen Hill Locks for a fun-filled day exploring the historic locks.
Set foot where visitors aren't usually allowed by exploring the inside of a lock, or take a guided tour to learn about the amazing heritage and ecology of this scheduled ancient monument.
You'll also meet their skilled teams and volunteers who protect the canals all year round, and find out more about the important work they do locally to #KeepCanalsAlive. In the winter, some incredible feats of engineering take place on the canal - now's your chance to see the Kennet & Avon Canal as you never have before.
As well as guided walking tours, there will also be lots of other activities for all ages to get involved in, including trails and orienteering around Jubilee Woodland, educational activities and games for children, and you'll even be able to step aboard the 'Admiral' their narrowboat and welcome station. You can also find out more about volunteering to support your local canal.
For more information and to book, please visit their Eventbrite page here.