Event Details
- Date: –
- Venue: Bedwyn Village Square
- Categories: Health, Fitness & Wellbeing, Walks & Guided Walks/Tours

Wilton Brail, Holloway, Canal, 4.25 miles
Date: : Sunday 23rd February
Time: 10.00 am – 12.15 pm
Location: The Chains, Great Bedwyn (the island opposite The Londis, High St, Great Bedwyn SN8 3NU)
From the village centre our route will go over the canal bridge, through the wharf, to the towpath. There will be canoe trials taking place at the wharf, in advance of the Devizes to Westminster canoe race at Easter, so we will have to weave our way through the canoeists preparing to enter the water. On reaching the towpath it is just a short distance before we set off across fields to Wilton Brail.
There was snow underfoot on the recce which made a pleasant change from the claggy mud of our January group walk. Wilton Brail looks gorgeous in white - but snow is not guaranteed on the day!
At the end of the Brail we’ll meet the first of the new fully accessible kissing gates recently installed with a grant from the North Wessex Downs. We will continue across the field to the roman road before turning for home back through more of the new gates. If there are cattle present walkers will have the option to take the permissive path around the field
Our route back to Bedwyn will go down through a sunken holloway path before rejoining the towpath at the ‘bridge to nowhere’. At Bedwyn we will cross the pedestrian railway and return by St Mary’s church.
A Duke of Edinburgh’s Award student is volunteering with the footpaths group as one of his activities to qualify for a Bronze award. He is organising this group walk and will be accompanied on the day by Susie Brew from Pewsey Community Area Partnership.
No stiles, come prepared for some mud and wet or icy conditions underfoot.
Contact for details. Bedwynfootpathsgroup@gmail.com