Bedwyn Footpaths Group – Stokke & Chisbury Woods

Event Details

Bedwyn Footpaths Group Walk

Sunday February 25th 10.00am Stokke and Chisbury Woods. 4 miles. Meet at The Chains (the road island opposite The Londis shop in High St, Gt Bedwyn SN8 3NU)

This walk begins up Forest Hill from where we’ll take the grass path high on the bank above the traffic. This path was restored early last year with funding from the North Wessex Downs National Landscape.

At the top of the hill, we’ll enter the fields and make our way to Stokke through the gates installed under the same project. These were the last of Great Bedwyn parish’s stiles to be replaced with gates. Then our route goes along the bridleway that skirts Bedwyn Common and then the lane to Chisbury Lane Farm and back through Chisbury Woods. Our walk conveniently ends close to The Three Tuns pub so there is the option to end the walk there with a drink or lunch.

If anyone wants to join me to make up a lunch table together there, let me know and I’ll book it - Judy

All are welcome to join us on this walk. For more details contact Judy